Facts, Tips & Tricks
Tips to help you discover and trace your genealogy.
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The Bureau of Land Management is a Federal government office with responsibility for buying, selling and managing public lands.
STATE Land States are states that owned and distributed their lands. This includes the original 13 colonies, Kentucky, Maine, Tennessee, Vermont and West Virginia, Hawaii and Texas. They use "metes and bounds" to survey the land.
FEDERAL Land States were created from public domain, land the United States bought or acquired. The land was divided into territories as it became populated. Survey is done according to the rectangular system.
Bounty Land is public land given by the government to induce young men to join the military. Applicable for soldiers prior to the Civil War. A "Bounty Land Warrant" is a gift of bounty land due to a person entitled by military service.
Many legal instruments other than deeds appear in deed books. They include Bills of Sale, Prenuptial Agreements, Powers of Attorney, Contracts, Affidavits, Wills and Inventories and Voter and Jury Lists.
There are various types of deeds to property. The most common are the warranty deed which transfers property with assurance of good title and the quitclaim deed which transfers one person's interest in the property without guarantee of good title.
When looking at deed indexes, be sure to look at both the "Grantor Index", an index to those selling the land and the "Grantee Index", an index to those buying the land.
In Land Deeds, check to see if buyer and/or seller is from the same area where the land is being sold.
An acre is a square measure of land containing 10 square chains, 160 square rods, or 43,560 square feet.
There are 13 eastern public land states east of the Mississippi River: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio and Wisconsin.
The method of survey using a combination of directional and distance measurements with references to natural and artificial objects, that define a tract of land is called "Metes and Bounds".
The most important type of land record is a deed. The deed is a document conveying title of property from one party to another. Deeds establish proof of legal ownership of land.