The Villages Genealogical Society

From Our President

Friends of Family History,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the official website of The Villages Genealogical Society, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Since our founding in 1993, the population of The Villages has experienced phenomenal growth, and our Society in mirroring that growth, has become the largest society of its kind in Florida.
Per our By-Laws, our purpose is " ... to promote and stimulate knowledge and interest in the study of genealogy; to provide for exchange of information among members; and to provide educational programs and workshops that will assist our members in their genealogical research."
To that end, we provide monthly meetings for the general membership, an annual all-day seminar featuring a nationally known speaker, workshops, and over a dozen Special Interest Groups focusing on a particular aspect of genealogy. We have offered scholarship opportunities to our members to assist them in advancing their genealogical education and we continue to pursue additional educational avenues as well. Also, our monthly newsletter provides our members with news and events of the Society and other articles and information of interest. Our efforts to provide for our members have also had the added effect of serving the community at large. We have donated funds to local libraries for the purchase of books, materials and equipment for the purpose of genealogical research.
The Villages Genealogical Society meetings are usually held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. at the Savannah Recreation Center and via Zoom. The meeting times and locations for all general monthly meetings and for our Special Interest Group sessions are listed on our Coming Events page on our website. Please take the time to thoroughly peruse our website and see what we have to offer. If you are a resident of The Villages, we invite you to attend one of our meetings and consider joining our society.
Wishing you success in your genealogical endeavors,
Annett Burke Lyttle


President: Ms. Annette Burke Lyttle
Vice-President: Ms. Judi Rutherford
Secretary: Mrs. Deanna H. Lammes
Treasurer: Mrs. Donna Yambasky
Librarian: Vacant
Membership Chair: Mrs. Leslie Aleene Moore
Newsletter Editor: Vacant
Program Chair: Ms. Judi Rutherford
Publicity / Social Media: Ms. Lynn M. Hall
Special Interest Group Chair: Ms. Margaret Sgritta
Director at Large: Ms. Pat Adams
Director at Large: Mr. Bob Long
Director at Large: Ms. Laurie Ellen Tossy
Director at Large: Ms. Cheryl Richardson
Webmaster: Karen Feeney
Support Staff
Seminar Coordinator-Registrar: Ms. Diane Lyn Davis