The Villages Genealogical Society
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Records: 1 to 50 of 61

Friday, February 7
British SIG Monthly Meeting  (British SIG)
9:30 am to 11:20 am
Lake Miona Recreation Center, 1526 Buena Vista Blvd.
Topic: TBD
Coordinators:  Pat Adams & Ruth Mason

Monday, February 10
Italian Special Interest Group Meeting  (Italian SIG)
1:00 pm to 2:20 pm
Atlanta Room @ Savannah Recreation Center
Coordinators: Laura Wright & Paul Coia

Tuesday, February 11
Preserving Family History SIG Meeting  (Preserving Family History SIG)
2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Destin Room @ SeaBreeze Recreation Center
Topic: TBA
Presenter:  TBA
Coordinators:  Sharol Lewin & Nancy Schultz

Wednesday, February 12
Irish Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Irish SIG)
10:00 am to 11:50 am
Osceola Room @ Chula Vista Recreation Center
Topic:  TBA
Coordinators:  Tom Voyles & Kendra Marasco

Wednesday, February 12
ABCs of Genealogy SIG Meeting  (ABCs of Genealogy SIG)
2:30 pm to 4:20 pm
Tea Room @ Colony Recreation Center
Our Valentine's Day Gift to you . . . Carol will deliver the "Intro to Family Tree Maker" & "Intro to DNA" that you all have been requesting.
  • NOTE: Cheryl will be "down under" chasing kangaroos, BUT "Spoiler Alert" and another Double Header for March – Special Topics "Building Your Family Tree" and "Intro to RootsMagic".
Coordinators:  Carol LaSalle & Cheryl Richardson
The ABCs of Genealogy SIG is for VGS members with any level of experience in genealogical research. Sessions are geared to be easy to understand to get you started and keep you going as you discover more about your ancestors.

Thursday, February 13
German Genealogy SIG Meeting  (German SIG)
9:30 am to 11:50 am
In-person @ Lake Miona Rec Center & via Zoom
Coordinators:  Dianne Fedderson & Steven Buhrow
An email containing the Zoom link & info will be emailed to SIG members prior to the meeting date.

Friday, February 14
Genetic Discoveries SIG Meeting  (Genetic Discoveries SIG)
10:00 am to 11:50 am
Rohan Recreation Center, Colony Cottage Room and via ZOOM
Coordinators:  Sherry Bean, Bill Canavan & Marcella Zorn
Topic:  Finding the Grands: a case study using DNA matches and BanyanDNA
An email containing the Zoom link & info will be emailed to SIG members prior to the meeting date.

Monday, February 17
Best Practices SIG Meeting  (Best Practices SIG)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Online Zoom Meeting
Coordinators: Annette Burke-Lyttle & Pat Adams
Topic: Newspapers
The SIG accepts new members throughout the year, but those who join after January 2023 should be prepared to catch up on the chapters that have already been studied. Visit our SIG webpage for more details.

Let's Talk Genealogy:  Members Only Event
Tuesday, February 18
Let's Talk Genealogy: Members Only Event  (VGS Special Events)
10:00 am
We are looking for all levels of VGS members. Come and share with us about your latest research successes or about a research challenge you're facing. Perhaps you have general genealogy questions including places to research or how others organize their information. Share your knowledge and ideas to help keep us all moving forward.
Register to attend this Zoom session – Click HERE.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
** If you are not a VGS member but would like to be, click HERE.

Thursday, February 20
Northeastern Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Northeastern Genealogy SIG)
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
SeaBreeze Recreation Center, New Smyrna Room
Topic:  TBA
Coordinator:  Joanne Schmidt

Friday, February 21
Scandinavian Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Scandinavian SIG)
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
SeaBreeze Recreation Center, New Smyrna Beach Room
Topic: TBA
Coordinators:  Per Andersson & Kris Petersen-Gauthier

Monday, February 24
Technology SIG Meeting  (Technology SIG)
10:00 am to 11:50 am
SeaBreeze Recreation Center
Coordinators:  Pamela Selinski & Vicci Turner

FTM SIG Meeting
Monday, February 24
FTM SIG Meeting  (Family Tree Maker SIG)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Visit our website page for more details about this SIG.
SIG Coordinators:  Karen Feeney & Bob Boerst
(Meeting link will be emailed to SIG members approximately 3-5 days prior to meeting date.)

Tuesday, February 25
Midwest SIG Meeting  (Midwest SIG)
2:00 pm to 3:50 pm
SeaBreeze Recreation Center, Clearwater Room
Topic:  Using County Histories for Genealogy
Speaker:  Mark Mullinax
Coordinators:  Lynn Hall & Karen Pickelsimer

Wednesday, February 26
Brick Wall Solutions SIG Meeting  (Brick Wall SIG)
NO MEETING THIS MONTH - due to VGSFL Annual Seminar
Topic:  TBD
Coordinators:  Nancy Oster Heydt, Mark Mullinax, & Beverly Hulett


Our 25th Annual Family History Seminar
Wednesday, February 26
Our 25th Annual Family History Seminar  (VGS Annual Seminar)
9:00 am to 3:30 pm
A Hybrid Event -- In-person & Virtual -- Open to the Public
Finding Elusive Ancestors
Featuring:  Mary Kircher Roddy, CG
Mary Kircher Roddy, CG, has been a credentialed genealogist since 2019. She is a member of the National Genealogical Society, the Association of Professional Genealogists, a trustee of the Board for Certification of Genealogists, and co-editor of The National Genealogical Society Quarterly. Ms. Roddy has published articles in several publications, lectures across the U.S., and is one of the founders of the Applied Genealogy Institute.
(Our speaker will be presenting in-person at the Savannah Regional Recreation Center at The Villages.)
Seminar Topics:
 • Not Who He Once Was: Tips for Finding Your Name-Changing Ancestor
 • Censational Census Strategies
 • Jumping the Pond: Connecting Immigrants to Their Homeland
 • What's Not There Can Get You There: Finding, Recognizing & Using Negative Evidence
  • For more details and to register to attend, click  HERE.

Monday, March 3
Jewish Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Jewish Genealogy SIG)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Eisenhower Recreation Center, 3560 Buena Vista Blvd.
Prior to the meeting date, SIG members will receive an email about the upcoming meeting.
Coordinators:  Phil Goldsmith & Jerry Schwartz

Monday, March 3
RootsMagic Special Interest Group Meeting  (Roots Magic SIG)
2:30 pm to 4:20 pm
SeaBreeze Recreation Center – Daytona Room, and on Zoom
Reminder:  Bring your laptops
Coordinator:  George Zitterell

Wednesday, March 5
French Canadian Genealogy SIG Meeting  (French-Canadian SIG)
9:00 am to 10:50 am
La Hacienda Recreation Center
Coordinator:  Jean Colman

Thursday, March 6
Eastern European Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Eastern European SIG)
1:00 pm to 2:50 pm
Daytona Beach Room @ SeaBreeze Recreation Center
Coordinators:  Carol Myers & Marie Musialek

Friday, March 7
British SIG Monthly Meeting  (British SIG)
9:30 am to 11:20 am
Lake Miona Recreation Center, 1526 Buena Vista Blvd.
Topic: TBD
Coordinators:  Pat Adams & Ruth Mason

Monday, March 10
Italian Special Interest Group Meeting  (Italian SIG)
1:00 pm to 2:20 pm
Atlanta Room @ Savannah Recreation Center
Coordinators: Laura Wright & Paul Coia

Tuesday, March 11
Preserving Family History SIG Meeting  (Preserving Family History SIG)
2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Destin Room @ SeaBreeze Recreation Center
Topic: TBA
Presenter:  TBA
Coordinators:  Sharol Lewin & Nancy Schultz

Wednesday, March 12
Irish Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Irish SIG)
10:00 am to 11:50 am
Osceola Room @ Chula Vista Recreation Center
Topic:  TBA
Coordinators:  Tom Voyles & Kendra Marasco

Wednesday, March 12
ABCs of Genealogy SIG Meeting  (ABCs of Genealogy SIG)
2:30 pm to 4:20 pm
Tea Room @ Colony Recreation Center
Another Double Header of Topics . . . Carol will present "Building Your Family Tree" and "Intro to RootsMagic".
Coordinators:  Carol LaSalle & Cheryl Richardson
The ABCs of Genealogy SIG is for VGS members with any level of experience in genealogical research. Sessions are geared to be easy to understand to get you started and keep you going as you discover more about your ancestors.

Thursday, March 13
German Genealogy SIG Meeting  (German SIG)
9:30 am to 11:50 am
In-person @ Lake Miona Rec Center & via Zoom
Coordinators:  Dianne Fedderson & Steven Buhrow
An email containing the Zoom link & info will be emailed to SIG members prior to the meeting date.

Friday, March 14
Genetic Discoveries SIG Meeting  (Genetic Discoveries SIG)
10:00 am to 11:50 am
Rohan Recreation Center, Colony Cottage Room and via ZOOM
Coordinators:  Sherry Bean, Bill Canavan & Marcella Zorn
Topic:  Using Notes and Emojis: to track DNA Testers and their Tester matches in BanyanDNA
An email containing the Zoom link & info will be emailed to SIG members prior to the meeting date.

Monday, March 17
Best Practices SIG Meeting  (Best Practices SIG)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Online Zoom Meeting
Coordinators: Annette Burke-Lyttle & Pat Adams
Topic: Probate Records
The SIG accepts new members throughout the year, but those who join after January 2023 should be prepared to catch up on the chapters that have already been studied. Visit our SIG webpage for more details.

Let's Talk Genealogy:  Members Only Event
Tuesday, March 18
Let's Talk Genealogy: Members Only Event  (VGS Special Events)
10:00 am
We are looking for all levels of VGS members. Come and share with us about your latest research successes or about a research challenge you're facing. Perhaps you have general genealogy questions including places to research or how others organize their information. Share your knowledge and ideas to help keep us all moving forward.
Register to attend this Zoom session – Click HERE.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
** If you are not a VGS member but would like to be, click HERE.

Thursday, March 20
Northeastern Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Northeastern Genealogy SIG)
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
SeaBreeze Recreation Center, New Smyrna Room
Topic:  TBA
Coordinator:  Joanne Schmidt

Friday, March 21
Scandinavian Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Scandinavian SIG)
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
SeaBreeze Recreation Center, New Smyrna Beach Room
Topic: TBA
Coordinators:  Per Andersson & Kris Petersen-Gauthier

Monday, March 24
Technology SIG Meeting  (Technology SIG)
10:00 am to 11:50 am
SeaBreeze Recreation Center
Coordinators:  Pamela Selinski & Vicci Turner

FTM SIG Meeting
Monday, March 24
FTM SIG Meeting  (Family Tree Maker SIG)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Visit our website page for more details about this SIG.
SIG Coordinators:  Karen Feeney & Bob Boerst
(Meeting link will be emailed to SIG members approximately 3-5 days prior to meeting date.)

Tuesday, March 25
Midwest SIG Meeting  (Midwest SIG)
2:00 pm to 3:50 pm
SeaBreeze Recreation Center, Clearwater Room
Topic:  TBA
Speaker:  TBA
Coordinators:  Lynn Hall & Karen Pickelsimer

Wednesday, March 26
Brick Wall Solutions SIG Meeting  (Brick Wall SIG)
8:30 am to 9:30 am
In-person @ Savannah Rec Center
Topic:  TBD
Coordinators:  Nancy Oster Heydt, Mark Mullinax, & Beverly Hulett


VGS General Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, March 26
VGS General Monthly Meeting  (VGS Monthly Meeting)
10:00 am
Savannah Recreation Center or Online via Zoom
Guest Speaker:  Karen Fortin
Topic Info:  American – Searching the Online Databases
American Ancestors, the website for the New England Historic Genealogical Society, provides more than 1 billion records in over 470 databases online. Although much of the collection focuses on New England, records from around the U.S. and even some from other countries are available. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the website and will go through the basics of searching these valuable databases..
Speaker's Bio: Karen A. Fortin has degrees in History and Library and Information Science, and a passion for research. She worked in a public library in Florida for 30 years before switching to genealogical lecturing in 2016. She is a member of various genealogical societies and loves to help people explore their family history so that they can better understand their ancestors and the world in which they lived.
There are two ways to attend:  in-person at the Savannah Recreation Center or online via Zoom. If you want to attend in person, simply come to the Savannah Recreation Center at 10:00 a.m. on March 26th. If you want to attend online via Zoom, you will need to register in advance by clicking this LINK.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Wednesday, April 2
French Canadian Genealogy SIG Meeting  (French-Canadian SIG)
9:00 am to 10:50 am
La Hacienda Recreation Center
Coordinator:  Jean Colman

Thursday, April 3
Eastern European Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Eastern European SIG)
1:00 pm to 2:50 pm
Daytona Beach Room @ SeaBreeze Recreation Center
Coordinators:  Carol Myers & Marie Musialek

Friday, April 4
British SIG Monthly Meeting  (British SIG)
9:30 am to 11:20 am
Lake Miona Recreation Center, 1526 Buena Vista Blvd.
Topic: TBD
Coordinators:  Pat Adams & Ruth Mason

Monday, April 7
Jewish Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Jewish Genealogy SIG)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Eisenhower Recreation Center, 3560 Buena Vista Blvd.
Prior to the meeting date, SIG members will receive an email about the upcoming meeting.
Coordinators:  Phil Goldsmith & Jerry Schwartz

Monday, April 7
RootsMagic Special Interest Group Meeting  (Roots Magic SIG)
2:30 pm to 4:20 pm
SeaBreeze Recreation Center – Daytona Room, and on Zoom
Reminder:  Bring your laptops
Coordinator:  George Zitterell

Tuesday, April 8
Preserving Family History SIG Meeting  (Preserving Family History SIG)
2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Destin Room @ SeaBreeze Recreation Center
Topic: TBA
Presenter:  TBA
Coordinators:  Sharol Lewin & Nancy Schultz

Wednesday, April 9
Irish Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Irish SIG)
10:00 am to 11:50 am
Osceola Room @ Chula Vista Recreation Center
Topic:  TBA
Coordinators:  Tom Voyles & Kendra Marasco

Wednesday, April 9
ABCs of Genealogy SIG Meeting  (ABCs of Genealogy SIG)
2:30 pm to 4:20 pm
Neptune Beach Room @ SeaBreeze Recreation Center
The ABCs of Genealogy SIG is for VGS members with any level of experience in genealogical research. Sessions are geared to be easy to understand to get you started and keep you going as you discover more about your ancestors.
Topic:  TBA
Coordinators:  Carol LaSalle & Cheryl Richardson

Thursday, April 10
German Genealogy SIG Meeting  (German SIG)
9:30 am to 11:50 am
In-person @ Lake Miona Rec Center & via Zoom
Coordinators:  Dianne Fedderson & Steven Buhrow
An email containing the Zoom link & info will be emailed to SIG members prior to the meeting date.

Friday, April 11
Genetic Discoveries SIG Meeting  (Genetic Discoveries SIG)
10:00 am to 11:50 am
Rohan Recreation Center, Colony Cottage Room and via ZOOM
Coordinators:  Sherry Bean, Bill Canavan & Marcella Zorn
Speaker & Topic:  Betsy Ko will cover how to track your DNA on WikiTree
An email containing the Zoom link & info will be emailed to SIG members prior to the meeting date.

Monday, April 14
Italian Special Interest Group Meeting  (Italian SIG)
1:00 pm to 2:20 pm
Atlanta Room @ Savannah Recreation Center
Coordinators: Laura Wright & Paul Coia

Let's Talk Genealogy:  Members Only Event
Tuesday, April 15
Let's Talk Genealogy: Members Only Event  (VGS Special Events)
10:00 am
We are looking for all levels of VGS members. Come and share with us about your latest research successes or about a research challenge you're facing. Perhaps you have general genealogy questions including places to research or how others organize their information. Share your knowledge and ideas to help keep us all moving forward.
Register to attend this Zoom session – Click HERE
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
** If you are not a VGS member but would like to be, click HERE.

Thursday, April 17
Northeastern Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Northeastern Genealogy SIG)
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
SeaBreeze Recreation Center, New Smyrna Room
Topic:  TBA
Coordinator:  Joanne Schmidt

Friday, April 18
Scandinavian Genealogy SIG Meeting  (Scandinavian SIG)
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
SeaBreeze Recreation Center, New Smyrna Beach Room
Topic: TBA
Coordinators:  Per Andersson & Kris Petersen-Gauthier