Vital Records include birth, marriage, divorce and death records.
When ordering a death, marriage or birth certificate, request the long form which will have more information than the short form.
When ordering a death, marriage or birth certificate, request a non-certified copy. It contains exactly the same information as the certified copy but is less expensive.
Vital records and event information are more reliable when they are recorded near the time of the event. The longer the time from the event occurrence that the record is made, the less accurate it may be.
Death Records can be the least accurate records depending upon the knowledge of the person reporting the information about the deceased.
Names of "causes of death" have changed over time. Try to match the old name with the current medical name.
Birth Records can be difficult to obtain. You may be required to provide proof of relationship and proof of the person's death.
Marriage Records may only be records of the wedding. However, you may also find the Application for Marriage completed by the bride and groom-to-be. Marriage records may also be corroborated with church records. There could also be a newspaper account of the wedding.
Look carefully at marriage records. The witnesses and bondsmen may be related to either party.