The Villages Genealogical Society

Surname Help Information & Guides

If you are a member of The Villages Genealogical Society (VGS), you can submit your surnames to our research database and share them with other VGS members and the general public.
Members Only Image
Here is a condensed description on how to add a surname:
  • Under "Members Only" login with your personal login name and password. Once logged in you will see other menu options.
  • Click on Profile. This opens a window that displays information about the logged-in member.
  • Click on the Surname Tab. This opens a window that displays surnames you have entered. It will be blank if you have not entered any surnames.
  • Click the + Button button near the top right.
  • Enter as much information about the surname as possible. The more information the better your chances for a contact. You may need to add the same surname several times if the family moved over time from place to place.
  • Do Not enter a surname without additional information.
  • Repeat the process for additional surnames. Save each addition to your list.
Download the step-by-step Adding a New Surname Guide.