The Villages Genealogical Society

Best Practices SIG

General Information
Annette Burke Lyttle
Pat Adams
Hello, my name is Annette Burke Lyttle and I am the coordinator of the Best Practices Special Interest Group. Pat Adams is the SIG'S co-coordinator. We meet on Zoom the third Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m. If you have a question about the SIG, or would like to attend the next meeting, send an email to me –– click HERE –– and I will respond as quickly as I can.
This SIG focuses on learning and using the best research practices in our genealogy work. Best practices can make our research more efficient and effective, and can help us keep from making mistakes about the identities and relationships of our ancestors. We don't want to accidentally attach the wrong person to our family tree and end up researching folks who are not our ancestors. This SIG uses a combination of presentations, guided study, and discussion.
In 2024, we are focusing on how to get the most out of resources for online research. Members will also work on a research project of their own throughout the year and report on their progress in our November and December sessions.
You must be a member of The Villages Genealogical Society to participate in our meetings.

Zoom Meeting Schedule
  15 Jan 2024   Getting the Most Out of Ancestry
  19 Feb 2024   Getting the Most Out of FamilySearch
  18 Mar 2024   Using Unindexed Images on FamilySearch
  15 Apr 2024   Color Coding for DNA
  20 May 2024   A Tour of Family Tree Maker
  17 Jun 2024   FindMyPast / Scotland's People
  15 Jul 2024   American Ancestors / NYG&B
  19 Aug 2024   Wiki Tree
  16 Sep 2024   MyHeritage 
  21 Oct 2024   Digitized Books & Manuscripts
  18 Nov 2024   Reports on Research
  16 Dec 2024   Reports on Research
Helpful Information on the Web