Irish Genealogy
General Information
Noel "Tom" Voyles & Kendra Marasco
Hello, my name is Tom Voyles and together with Kendra Marasco, we are the coordinators of the Irish Genealogy Special Interest Group. We meet the second Wednesday of each month from 10:00am until 11:50am in the Osceola Room at the Chula Vista Recreation Center (no meetings June through September). For the most up-to-date information on meeting dates and topics, check the Coming Events page our our website. If you have any questions about this SIG, please send an email to me (click here) and I will respond as quickly as possible.
Big changes in records availability have occurred during my thirty-plus years of doing Irish genealogy research. Many records have been uploaded onto the Internet by various parts of the Government of Ireland. Since this SIG group began in 2007, our meetings have changed from discussions of LDS (Mormons) microfilms to live online demonstrations of Irish records, using a laptop computer and a projector. I have written an Irish Genealogy Research Guide that I furnish to members of this SIG which enables them to conduct their research online at home. At a typical meeting we view some news clips from Irish television, and follow that with a presentation on a topic concerning Irish genealogy.
New members to our group are always welcome, however, you must be a member of The Villages Genealogical Society to participate in our meetings. Mail-in applications for VGS membership are available on our website and you can also join on-line -- click HERE for more details.
Meeting Location
Chula Vista Recreation Center, 1011 Rio Grande Avenue
2025 Upcoming Meeting Topics |
• Jan. 8: Regular Monthly Meeting |
• Feb. 12: Regular Monthly Meeting |
• Mar. 12: Regular Monthly Meeting |
Helpful Information on the Web