The Villages Genealogical Society

Genetic Discoveries SIG

General Information
Sherry Bean
Bill Canavan
Marcella Zorn
Sherry Bean, Bill Canavan and Marcella Zorn are the coordinators of the Genetic Discoveries Special Interest Group. The group helps members understand and interpret their DNA test results and guides individuals in their search for unknown current and past relatives. The SIG pursues traditional genealogical research to document family history and employs modern scientific genetic techniques with statistical analysis to verify the paper trail and uncover new clues about our known and/or mystery relatives.
The group meets on the second Friday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. at Rohan Recreation Center, 850 Kristine Way. The hybrid meetings are conducted in the Colony Cottage Room of the Rohan Rec Center to encourage cooperative interpersonal communication and to allow those with geographic, transportation or medical concerns to engage with their fellow members. Monthly pre-meeting emails are sent to our group members with up-to-date information about the meeting topics and the Zoom link.
If you have any questions about the Genetic Discoveries SIG, or you are a VGS member who would like to add your name to the group, please send an email to us by clicking HERE. If you are new to the Villages or the Villages Genealogical Society, you may attend one meeting as a guest. After that initial meeting, you must be a member of the VGS (click HERE for information about joining VGS). At a total monthly cost of about $0.83, less than 2/3 the price of an order of one small fries (about $1.34) from Mickey D's, joining the VGS ($10 yearly) is a bargain and the VGS is less fattening and more satisfying than fries.
For the most up-to-date information on meeting dates, check the Coming Events calendar on the website.

 Helpful Information
  Videos on YouTube
 FaceBook Groups
 Video Presentations
 • DNA Painter (Sept. 2020)  
 Handouts & Additional Info (pdf format)